Seeking a Big Data Engineer with a Bachelor's/Master's in relevant fields, 3+ years of Python, SQL, and programming experience. Responsibilities include constructing data frameworks, collaborating on projects, optimizing data pipelines, and staying updated with tech advancements. AWS Cloud expertise and analytical skills required. Token Metrics, aiding crypto investors globally.
En Kueski, como Senior Machine Learning Engineer, desarrollar pipelines escalables de ML, guiar a ingenieros junior, colaborar en equipos multifuncionales, implementar herramientas de monitoreo y APIs para ML. Requisitos: experiencia en ML, ingeniería de software, SQL, AWS, fluidez en español e inglés. Compromiso con diversidad, equidad, inclusión y un entorno de trabajo flexible.
Staff Software Engineer required: BS/BTech in CS/Engineering, 8+ years engineering experience, 4+ years decision-making, SQL/DB expertise, cloud/CI/CD/Docker/Kubernetes experience, data pipeline optimization, health-tech knowledge. Responsibilities: scalable solutions, product strategy, code architecture, mentoring, engineering processes, performance monitoring, security.
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