Global Analyst Relations & Influencer Strategy Lead at Pigment, a fast-growing SaaS company. Manage analyst relationships, drive awareness, and expand understanding of EPM platform. Require experience in Tier 1 analyst firm relationships, strong communication, and organizational skills. Prioritize requests, manage events, and report on AR goals. Equal opportunity employer, background checks conducted lawfully.
Seeking a frontend software engineer for "Excel on Steroids" SaaS platform, focusing on real-time data visualization. Required: C#/JavaScript/TypeScript expertise, React/Vue/Angular experience, strong team spirit, and problem-solving skills. Benefits include competitive salary, equity, health insurance, flexible hours, and remote work. Encourages underrepresented minorities to apply.
Seeking a backend software engineer for a high-performance, scalable financial data solution. Essential qualifications include experience with C#, .NET Core, React, TypeScript, and cloud technologies. Prioritizes user-centric design, innovation, and team collaboration. Offers competitive salary, equity, health insurance, and remote work opportunities. Encourages underrepresented applicants.
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