Seeking Sales/Business Development Executive with 1-2 years logistics/last mile industry experience in Surabaya. Responsibilities include prospecting, client meetings, service improvements, client management, and report preparation. Qualifications: critical thinking, excellent communication, self-starter, and resilience. Apply now.
Job Title: Sales Executive/Business Development at Ninja Xpress Key Responsibilities: Prospecting and growing clients in social commerce, cold calling, arranging sales meetings, tracking prospects, identifying service improvements, managing client accounts, closing sales, maintaining client relationships, researching opportunities, preparing reports, and contributing to team efforts. Essential Qualifications: Minimum 1-2 years experience in sales or business development, logistics/last mile industry, critical thinking, excellent communication, self-starter, high energy, resilience, and skills in communication, negotiation, customer management, logistic sales, Ms. Office, and service orientation. Location: Salatiga, Indonesia.
Job Title: Sales Executive/Business Development at Ninja Xpress Key Responsibilities: Prospecting and growing clients, cold calling, arranging meetings, tracking prospects, identifying service improvements, managing client accounts, closing sales, maintaining client relationships, researching opportunities, preparing reports, team collaboration. Essential Qualifications: Minimum 1-2 years experience in sales/business development, logistics industry, critical thinking, excellent communication, self-starter, high energy, resilience, skilled in communication, negotiation, customer management, logistic sales, Ms. Office, service orientation. Location: Madiun, Indonesia.
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